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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Costume - Momma and Baby Kangaroos

I had a really hard time deciding what Susie and I should be for Halloween. The boys had their costumes, but there wasn't really anything from the movie for us to do. I browsed on Pinterest a lot, and saw a momma/baby kangaroo costume. I found a costume for Susie on ebay, added a pink bow so everyone would know she's a GIRL, and then pieced together my costume. My costume was the last one made, and I was tired and not thinking clearly. There was probably a better way to do it, but I sure couldn't think of one. It made it impossible to ride in the car because of the tail, and I couldn't get Susie in and out easily. But, it was cute, and Emmett loved that I had a tail that I could swing around and whack him with! I hate that I didn't get a better picture of the tail!


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