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Blogaholic Designs

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Costume - Wreck-it Ralph

This costume gave me the most grief - and it's all because I'm a perfectionist and I HAD to have brown overalls. I have never dyed anything before, so I made some mistakes. To get overalls in Cam's size, I found blue ones on ebay. I didn't know there was such a thing as color remover, so I just bought some dark brown dye and hoped for the best. It barely changed the color. So I did some research online and found out about the color remover. I did about three rounds of it. Keep in mind that I'm doing empty loads in between to rinse the washer, and I'm washing the pants in between to prep them for the next step. I dyed them with one bottle of brown and they were perfect. And then I had the chore of trying to rinse them out in the shower. My 2 1/2 year old thought it was hilarious that I was showering daddy's pants.

The rest of the costume was fairly simple. I happened to have a circle cutout from pickyourplum. I put a paper star on top of it and then spray painted gold. The different textures caused the star to stand out, so it looked great! For his shirts, I couldn't find orange plaid shirts anywhere, so I just bought an orange t-shirt, made a cut at the collar and sewed back the rough edges and added buttons. Then I tore up the sleeves a bit.

I didn't want him to, but he shaved off his goatee for authenticity. He looked pretty good, but when you pair him with Emmett it's perfect!

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