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Blogaholic Designs

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I made these at school today with my students for Valentine's Day. I think the idea came from a Family Fun magazine, but I'm not certain. They turned out SO cute!

Hooded Blanket

This was a quick, 15 minute project. I got the idea from my friend Sofia, and had to make E one. It's for running to and from the car on cold days, and it wraps him up perfectly! I couldn't get him to hold still for a picture, so this is the best I could do...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

More Initial Taggies

I made two more of these as gifts. I probably won't make too many more because I hate working with the plastic layer. On the "A" it was SO hard to work with the hole in the middle!!

Baby Food

Not my favorite project in the world, but I'll do anything for my E. I made sweet potatoes and apples & bananas to freeze. A lot of work up front, but so nice to be able to use homemade rather than the jars. Today was a big bag of S.P., it took forever! I have a great variety in my freezer now! Oh, and please ignore all the mess that my camera flash picked up on! I totally scrubbed down my stove after seeing that!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Diaper Straps

I saw this idea on pinterest, and knew it was a solution to my diaper bag mess! It's just fabric and velcro. I love mine, and I made a few as gifts as well! Quick, easy, and adorable!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Shower

I threw a baby shower for a friend, and I did two new things - I made a diaper carriage, and I made cake pops.

Sewing Idea

I came up with a great way to reuse plastic wipe containers... I keep one at my sewing table and shove threads and scraps into it. That way they're not all over my floor. It works great, and then I can just pop it open and dump!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


A few Christmases ago, someone gave me a fleece scarf as a gift. It has become my favorite, and it was really easy to make some more. I'm teaching a R.S. class on how to make them. They have folds in them to make them ruffled, and there's only one seam to sew and a straight line down the middle. Love them!