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Blogaholic Designs

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I saw this silhouette idea somewhere and knew that I really wanted it for E's room, next to his newborn handprint and footprint. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out, and I was so thrilled to start and finish a project in one day!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Key Rack

We used to have a key dish, until a certain little trouble maker got too tall and could reach it on our entry table. I saw the key rack on this blog, and I knew that's what I wanted. However, the space for mine is too small, so I had to go vertical. I would have preferred the other way, but I like the end result and we have a place to hang keys!

In its spot.

A picture outside, because the lighting inside was bad.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Car Wallet

Saw this idea on Etsy - it took a long time to figure out how to make it, but now that I've done one I think I can do it faster and better.

Friday, July 6, 2012

"1" onesie

Made this for J's 1st birthday party - Dr. Seuss themed! The only difference between this and E's "1" shirt is that I stitched around the edges with a zig zag because I'm not sure if the mom would want to keep it or not so I wanted to make it a little more durable. I love the colors and I'm so excited to party!

Art time - summer handprints

I saw this on pinterest and knew I had to do it after our beach vacation. Those shells are from our sunrise walk on the beach at Hilton Head! E is getting MUCH better about letting me do handprints!


A student gave me some succulent plants for my birthday since we were studying our plant unit in science. I decided the best way to present them would be a terrarium. I had it all nice and layered, but some little hands found their way into the bowl and pulled up one of the plants (thankfully, it wasn't the cactus!). So, I tried to fix it but now it doesn't look quite right. I'm hoping the plants will fill in and it will make a cool display to have in my classroom!

Towel Wrap

This was a quick, no cut project. I just folded over the top about 1 1/4", stitched the middle, pulled the elastic through, stitched it in place, and then sewed on velcro to the ends. Love it!

Front view

Back view with elastic

Velcro in the front


We made these by melting beads in the oven. We used mini-cupcake, regular cupcake, cake pans, and a small casserole dish. The instructions I found said 400 degrees for 20 minutes, but we had to watch and change it a bit for the different sizes.