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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Changing Pad

I just had to make a girly changing pad for S, since E had his own. I used the PUL fabric from JoAnn's Babyville line. It matched the diaper strap and car seat cover and shoulder straps that I've made, so my OCD side is thrilled. It was a quick sew, flip it right side out, and sew again project.

Drawstring Bag

E loves his Cars cars, and he has to take them all when we go places. He tries to carry them all or put them in my diaper bag, so I decided to make him a bag for them. I found a good tutorial here and just made the bag the size that I wanted. I used 1" ribbon for the string. He was really excited to put cars in it - now we just need to find the rest of them!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Crib Skirt and Bumper Pad

I've had these both done for a long time, I just needed to take pictures. The baby room doesn't have the best lighting, so excuse the photos. The in-progress photos are from my phone, so the same warning applies!

For the crib skirt, I sort of used the tutorial here, but I made some changes. I only have 2 ruffles, and I just sort of pinned and made my ruffles as I sewed. I'm happy with how it turned out!

For the bumper pad, I couldn't find anything in the stores that matched, and I wasn't about to start sewing all those ties and make one myself. On pinterest, I saw an idea to take a plain white bumper from Ikea and add fabric to it. Brilliant. I still had scraps from my quilt, so I made some more trapezoids and just sewed them right onto the bumper. Quick, easy, and colorful!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Craft Shopping

I always groan when I have to buy something for a craft or sewing project... it means driving to Winston-Salem, and battling traffic to get to Michael's or JoAnn's. Now that I have two kids, I almost gave up on a project and bought the end product on etsy. But, I hate doing that knowing that I can make it so much cheaper and I can make it exactly how I want it. So, I loaded both kids up and took a deep breath and headed out. I went to 4 stores and Susie stayed asleep the whole time. Emmett had to walk along the stroller or cart, and he didn't get into stuff at the stores! I try not to bribe too much, but he totally got a prize. In JoAnn's, he seriously held onto the cart the whole time!! I was amazed. Thank you kids!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Diaper Strap

I had just enough elephant fabric left over to make a diaper strap. I decided to try something different this time, so I made it wider and used two fabrics instead of one. I had to also use two strips of velcro because it was wider. I love it! These are seriously my favorite diaper bag accessory!

Elephant Taggie

Another Pinterest idea. It was time consuming just because of so many steps, but I think it turned out cute. I wanted to do this instead of an initial like E's. The hardest part was sewing with the minky, and sewing the plastic into the ears so they'll crinkle.

Car Seat Shoulder Straps

I hate how the straps in Susie's car seat dig into her neck, so I made little strap covers. One side is cotton, and one side is minky. I started with 6x6 squares. I made them to match the cover with the elephant fabric that I love. Hopefully they'll help!

Window Valance

I wanted to use my main floral fabric for the valance, but didn't want it to be overwhelming so I did mostly white with a strip of floral at the bottom. It's just the right amount of color on that wall. It was a quick easy project!

Big Boy Bed

Cam found this bed frame for free, so he sanded it down (see first picture) and then we mixed a few stain colors to get a dark cherry type of finish that would match the dresser E has. After a few coats of stain, and a few coats of polyurethane, the bed was finally ready for the big boy. He has done really well with the transition, and I'm really pleased with how the bed turned out!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sheet Music Frame

This idea combined a few different ideas I saw on pinterest. I saw somewhere that they took a line from a song and used colorful notes. Of course, I think "Wake Up, Little Susie" is an appropriate song for Baby Susannah's nursery! I've also seen the frame in a frame idea, so I decided to try it out. I created the sheet music myself with musical fonts and lots of patience. Then, I painted the scroll frame in a pretty coral. I used teal paper for the notes and a hole punch to cut them out, and teal fabric for the background. I hot glued the fabric to the frame back, and then hot glued the scroll frame to the fabric.

Wooden Puzzles

I ordered these from and finally got around to putting them together. The kits came with all the pieces, I just had to find paper to put under each letter and then paint it. I used scrapbook paper with small pictures, mostly animals, trucks, trains, etc. I mod podged them to the bottom piece of wood, painted the top piece with the name cut out, painted all the pieces and knobs. Then I put a coat of polyurethane on the black because it seemed to be getting scratched easily. Last, I used wood glue and some clamps to glue it all together. I think they turned out great!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Baby Girl Nursery

I've really spent a lot of time (and had lots of fun) prepping the nursery and making almost everything for it. Here's a list of all the projects and their separate posts:

Crib Quilt: Click Here
Crib Bumper: Click Here
Window Valance: Click Here
Crib Skirt: Click Here
Pillow: Click Here
Colorful Dot Mat: Click Here
Washi Tape Frame: Click Here
Generation Frame: Click Here
Sheet Music Frame in a Frame: Click Here
Flower Wall Hooks: Click Here
Changing Pad Cover: Click Here
Photo Canvas: Coming Soon
Initial Hairbow Holder: Click Here
Wine Rack turned Baby Blanket Holder: Click Here
Quote: Click Here
Quote Canvas: Coming Soon

Shakespeare Quote

I love this quote by Shakespeare, and I can tell already that it fits Baby S perfectly. She is strong and stubborn already! I found the fonts I liked and arranged them, and since we don't have a color printer I had to spend some time getting it the right size to print somewhere else and maintain the fonts. It was tricky, but now it has a home on her dresser in this cute frame from the Michael's dollar bins!

Baby Blanket Holder

This one didn't require me to make anything, but I saw the idea on pinterest and spent a while trying to find the right kind of wine rack for the job. I love that it displays the beautiful blankets that people have given to Baby S. I love handmade blankets, and now everyone can see them. They add some color to the wall too!

Washi Tape Frame

I saw the idea for this frame here. I got most of the washi tape from and finished the frame very quickly. I painted the frame, lined up the washi tape on the front, trimmed the excess off, put a layer of mod podge on, and added a felt flower.


I had lots of scraps from the quilt and bumper, so I decided to make a pillow for the nursery. I used the same tumbler pattern as the quilt, and the same backing fabric. I took the easy way out and just made the back in two separate pieces so it has an opening and I can easily take the cover on and off.

Initial Hairbow Holder

I wanted an initial somewhere in the nursery, and my friend wanted to make a hairbow holder, and I was running out of wall space - so we combined the two. We took an 11x14 canvas, stretched fabric over it and stapled the fabric to the back. Then we used glue to attach the letter and then used the staple gun to staple through the back of the canvas. Last step - staple the ribbon to the back of the canvas. I used some fray check on the bottom of the ribbon. Easy as can be!

Colorful Dot Mat

I bought a print by the same artist on etsy (here) for E's nursery, so I wanted one for Baby S too. It needed a mat, and my mom saw this idea in HGTV magazine. They used ink pads, but I just used craft paint. You take pencil erasers and make dots all over. It took some practice to get the right amount of paint on the erasers so they'd be nice, neat circles. I love how it turned out!

$1 frame

I've posted these before, but I wanted to add the latest one to display with these at school. Isn't she precious?!

4th of July Popcorn Treat

I saw this on pinterest, and decided to make it for our little 4th of July bash with friends. It tasted really good. The only thing I'd change is to wait to add the marshmallows until it had cooled a little more. I also would do half the recipe for a small group.

Here's the link for the recipe and a picture of how mine turned out!

Patriotic Popcorn