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Sunday, November 10, 2013

November - Gratitude Leaves

I wanted to do something to display the things we are thankful for, and I saw this one on Pinterest. I had tons of scrapbook paper in fall colors, and I had some brown, orange, yellow, and cream ribbon from a grab box from, so I didn't have to buy anything!

The best part has been that Emmett has been involved. When I was tracing and cutting leaves, he was matching them and sorting them (hello OCD child of mine!). Every night we decide what to put on our leaf. The first few nights I did it, drew the picture and then we practiced saying what they were. The last week, he has chosen what goes on there, and they're actually things we are grateful for (friends, grandparents, the dogs, the cat, etc.). He loves helping to hang up the leaf and we spend a lot of time looking at them all. I'm hoping I can save the bows and repeat this next year!

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