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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tile Food Labels

I got this idea off Pinterest - using corner tiles to make food labels for a party table. I found the tiles at Lowe's, and used my cricut and vinyl from to cut out cute bugs and flowers for Susie's blessing brunch. I found bright dry erase markers to write on them. I love them, and I love that I can pull the vinyl off and make new ones for a new party!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bulletin Board Frames

Last summer, I went to Goodwill looking for frames for some type of gallery wall in E's room. I walked in and found 4 frames that fit pretty well together. What are the chances in one trip?? They sat in his closet for a year, and now that we've moved the baby stuff out of his room he needed something on the wall. I decided to make little bulletin boards using cork (bought in a big roll). I painted the frames and put in the cork. Cam had to help me glue down the cork so it wouldn't roll back up (my fault for buying it a year ago). He also helped me hang them on the wall. I like them, except for the fact that the cork isn't very deep so the pins are hard to put on. As long as E doesn't mess with them, we're good!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Baby Blessing Brunch

We had a brunch after Susie's baby blessing on Sunday. It was challenging because I had to come up with food that I could just pull out and serve, since my guests would arrive at the same time as me! Thank goodness for Pinterest! We had breakfast casserole muffins, fruit, yogurt, granola, and a really yummy strawberry bundt cake. I was able to go to my school garden to cut some flowers for the decorations. The garden beds were overgrown from the summer, but the colors of the remaining flowers were perfect for my party! I've listed the links for the recipes at the end of this post.

Breakfast Casserole Muffins: Recipe (I used spicy sausage instead of regular, and I added some salt. I also found that you don't have to cook them as long as the tube of biscuits says)

Strawberry Bundt Cake: Recipe (I made the glaze using lemon juice, powdered sugar, and a little bit of lemon zest)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Four Generation Frame

This is one of my favorite projects for the summer. I realized that I had four generations of mother-daughter photos. I'm going to change out the photo of me and Susie as soon as we get some pictures at her blessing in a few weeks. Then all the babies will be wearing white dresses. I love old family photos, and I'm so excited to have these displayed. It's a great reminder of the wonderful mothers who are examples to me of the mother I want to be. I found the perfect quote and typed it up and printed it out:

"I will protect you until you are grown, and then I will let you fly free. But loving you, that is for always."

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Flower Wall Hooks

This project made me so happy, because I was able to use up some things from my craft closet! I had all the materials for this project, except for the white hooks. The flowers I picked up a long time ago, and I used scraps of fabric and paint I already had.

First, I painted the flowers. Then I cut squares of fabric and ironed on some interfacing so that the fabric would be easier to cut. Then, I used the template, traced the flowers, and cut them out. I pulled the interfacing off and used a light coat of mod podge to glue the fabric inside the flowers. Then, with the help of my handy husband, we drilled some holes through the flowers and put them into the wall. (He would want me to add that he used sheet rock anchors on one hole for each hook.)

I love how they turned out, and I am so glad to finally have a place to hang her towel!