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Blogaholic Designs

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

DIY Snow Globe

I loved this idea when I saw it on pinterest and I just had to do it! You take a picture of your child, cut it out, laminate it and leave an edge around the photo to seal it. Then, I put it in a jar with a little tree, some glitter, water, and glycerin (found in the pharmacy section - it makes the water "thicker" to help the glitter float around). I superglued the lid on the jar, and now Emmett has his very own snow globe! He loved it!

The photo we used - it was SO hard to get him to make this pose!
He loves it!


I figured we wouldn't have much snow this year, so I made a snowman out of felt. Emmett loved dressing it up. I sewed the white circles to the background, and I put the rough velcro on the back of all the pieces so they'd "stick" to the snowman. Emmett had fun dressing him up!

Turtle Taggie

I made a turtle taggie for my nephew, who is a few weeks older than Susie. I put crinkly plastic in the legs and head.

Stained Glass Nativity

I saw this all over pinterest - here is one link: Stained Glass Nativity

Emmett was half interested in making it, but he loved it once it was done and hanging up. 

Infinity Scarf

I really wanted a Christmas scarf, so I found this cute red and green dot fabric at Hobby Lobby. It's just plain old cotton! I probably would prefer a knit, but the cotton worked just fine! I bought a yard, cut it in half, sewed the two pieces together, made a big long tube, and sewed the ends together. There were lots of tutorials out there, but I just kind of made it up as I went along. Both seams ended up behind my neck, so it worked great! I didn't have a great picture of me wearing the scarf - Susie and I have clashing reds in this picture!

Owl Heat Packs

I kept looking for something quick, easy, and affordable to make for my co-workers at school for Christmas. When I saw this, I knew it was the answer. I spent a total of $6 or $7 dollars for the big bag of rice and that's it! I used all fabric scraps that I had in my stash. I love using up fabric I have!

This wasn't nearly as time consuming as I originally thought it would be. I cut the eyes one night, beaks the next, and bodies the next. And on a Saturday I cranked them out. Emmett even helped pour the rice! 

Here is the link I found on Pinterest, with the pattern: Owl Heat Packs

Turkey Craft

Here is our Thanksgiving handprint/footprint turkey. Emmett had a lot of fun making it this time!

Turkey Veggie Tray

I got a little creative for Thanksgiving dinner. I took a veggie tray that looked like a Turkey. Emmett has had fun with all the turkey stuff, so he enjoyed pointing out the turkey's eyes, beak, etc.


I saw this idea on pinterest, but I changed it a bit so the turkey could be one that Emmett played with. It's hard when I pull out decorations and he isn't allowed to touch them, so this was perfect! I used a small piece of a 2x4, the top part of a paint stick, velcro, and the tongue depressors. I also used paint and scrapbook paper that I already had. He loved putting feathers on his "turtey."

Monday, January 6, 2014

Gratitude Banner

I saw lots of cute ideas on Pinterest for November gratitude activities, but I finally decided on making a banner for our mantle with leaves. Each day we picked a leaf and wrote/drew something we're grateful for on it. I used some twine to hold them, and the bows on top kept them on the twine. I loved this because I used supplies I already had - no extras required! I love using up some of the massive collection I have in Emmett's closet!

Baby Blanket

I wanted to make a blanket for my old friend whose sweet little micro-premie baby was finally going to get to come home after months in the hospital. I made her a flannel rag blanket, because they're my favorites.